Open Source Cloud Management: What it is and How it Works

Open source cloud management is a platform that allows users to create, manage, and deploy cloud applications using open-source software. This type of cloud platform offers a range of benefits over traditional proprietary solutions, including cost savings, greater flexibility, and improved security. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how open source cloud management works and why it’s become so popular in recent years.

What is Open Source Cloud Management?

Open source cloud management  is a system for creating, managing, and deploying applications in the cloud. It relies on open-source software such as Apache CloudStack or OpenStack to provide the underlying infrastructure for hosting and running applications. These systems allow organizations to quickly spin up virtual machines (VMs) to host their applications with minimal effort or technical expertise. This makes them ideal for businesses that don’t have the resources or budget to invest in expensive proprietary solutions.

Open source cloud management also provides users with access to powerful tools for managing their applications in the cloud. For example, popular open source tools like Ansible and Puppet can be used to deploy applications across multiple VMs with ease. This makes it easier for developers to rapidly scale their applications as needed without having to worry about manually configuring each VM individually. Additionally, these tools can be used to automate routine tasks such as installing updates and applying security patches—saving organizations time and money while ensuring their applications remain secure at all times.

Benefits of Open Source Cloud Management

The primary benefit of open source cloud management is cost savings. By using open-source software instead of proprietary solutions, organizations are able to reduce their IT costs significantly—in some cases by as much as 50%. In addition, because most open source solutions are free or have low license fees associated with them, businesses can save even more money by avoiding expensive vendor lock-in contracts that are often required when purchasing commercial software licenses from third parties. The use of an open source platform also provides businesses with greater flexibility when it comes to developing custom applications or integrating existing ones into their existing infrastructure. Because the codebase is freely available for anyone to modify or extend upon, developers have complete control over how they develop their applications—allowing them to tailor them specifically for their needs without worrying about compatibility issues between different software versions or vendors’ support policies. Finally, because open source systems are typically more secure than proprietary ones due to the fact that they are constantly being updated and improved by developers around the world—organizations can rest assured knowing that they’re protected against potential cyber attacks or data breaches from malicious actors online.


Open source cloud management provides numerous benefits over traditional proprietary solutions such as cost savings and increased flexibility for developers when building custom applications in the cloud environment. Furthermore, by utilizing powerful automation tools such as Ansible and Puppet, organizations can drastically reduce their IT costs while ensuring that all of their applications remain secure at all times. All of these factors combined make open source cloud management an attractive option for companies looking for ways to optimize their IT infrastructure without breaking the bank in the process!


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