Dental Prosthetics: Options for Improved Oral Health and Appearance

From tooth-colored fillings to dental crowns and veneers, there are numerous ways to improve your oral health and appearance with the use of prosthetic. Dental prosthetic is an umbrella term for any device that stands in for natural teeth or other dental structures. These devices may be fabricated from a variety of materials depending on the needs of the patient, but most have one thing in common: They’re used to improve an individual’s oral health and appearance. Here we take a look at some of the many options for improving your smile with dental prosthetics.

Dental Crowns

A dental crown, also known as a tooth jacket, is a prosthetic that completely encases an individual tooth. Crowns are typically made from ceramic, porcelain, or gold alloys. These materials are highly resistant to fracturing and offer both strength and aesthetic appeal. A crown can be used to repair a damaged tooth or to cover a tooth that has been extracted. Retaining the natural appearance of your smile is the primary role of the crown. Crowns are useful in addressing a variety of dental health concerns, including but not limited to tooth decay, tooth wear, tooth damage, tooth fracture.

Dental Veneers

A dental veneer is a thin piece of porcelain that’s affixed to the surface of a tooth. A veneer is a great option if you have teeth that are discolored, misshapen, or don’t fit properly in your mouth. Veneers can be used to address a variety of dental health concerns, including but not limited to:

  • Tooth discoloration: Tooth discoloration is extremely common. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including aging, poor oral hygiene, genetics, and the consumption of certain beverages.
  • Badly worn teeth: Poor oral hygiene can lead to badly worn teeth. A person who grinds their teeth may experience wear on their front teeth.
  • Badly shaped teeth: A misalignment of the teeth can occur for a variety of reasons, including genetics and dental trauma. A misaligned bite can lead to a host of dental health concerns, including tooth decay and periodontal diseases. A misaligned bite can also affect a person’s ability to properly bite and chew their food.

Dental Fillings

A dental filling, also known as a dental restoration, is a device used to repair or prevent decay inside a tooth. Dental fillings can be made from a variety of materials, but are most commonly made from resin-based materials and alloys of gold. While dental fillings don’t look as good as natural teeth, they’re ideal for quick repair of decayed teeth. Dental fillings are useful in addressing a variety of dental health concerns, including but not limited to:

  • Tooth decay: Tooth decay is caused by the buildup of bacteria. It can rapidly advance and cause tooth damage. This can lead to the need for an extraction.
  • Root canal infection: Tooth decay and injury can lead to the infection of the dental pulp, which is the soft tissue inside a tooth. This infection can progress and travel up the root of the tooth, causing a root canal infection.
  • Badly worn teeth: Badly worn teeth can be difficult to clean and are often a prime location for the buildup of plaque and food debris.

A prosthetic can be used to improve a person’s dental health and appearance. They’re made from a variety of materials, and come in many forms, including crowns, veneers, and fillings. When it comes to dental prosthetic, the options are abundant.


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